The Turning Blue ceremony is normally conducted at 0900 EST on Wednesday. You will need a pass to get on Fort Benning - either a Military ID card or an On-Post Pass you can get at the Visitor's Center. Please make sure you verify times and locations with your Soldiers as they can change based on the amount of graduations they have on this day.
The Graduation Ceremony will be held at the National Infantry Museum Parade Field just behind the museum. The Graduation ceremony will be starting promptly at 0900 EST on Thursday. I would highly recommend that you arrive early to find seating and parking as the museum parking lot will fill up quickly. The National Infantry Museum is located right off of the Fort Benning Installation so you will not need a pass to access the area.
The Turning Blue and Graduation Ceremony is open to the public (no limit to how many can attend).
The Turning Blue and Graduation Ceremony will also be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. The link will be on your Soldier’s unit’s Facebook page.
The Turning Blue and Graduation Ceremony will be conducted outside. There will be bleachers to sit in. You will be allowed to start parking at 07:00 A.M. (Eastern Time) to find seating.
For those without a Military Identification Card. When you check in at the Visitor Center, we recommend you allow yourself MORE than enough time to check in and receive your Fort Benning On-Post Pass. There will be multiple graduations on Sandhill that day, so there will be numerous people attempting to get a pass that morning. If an individual in your family or group has a Military Identification Card, that individual will be able to get your group or family onto the installation as long as they are within the same vehicle. They cannot vouch for any other vehicles.
If you plan to arrive before the Turning Blue Ceremony, keep in mind you will not be able to see your Soldier until after the Turning Blue Ceremony is completed. After the Turning Blue ceremony is completed your soldiers will be released to you for a day pass where they will need to be returned to the Company Training Area NLT 1900 EST to prepare for Graduation the following day.
Due to the Georgia weather, be prepared for inclement weather during the Turning Blue and Graduation Ceremony. Please be aware to pack for inclement weather conditions. If Inclement weather is predicted during the Ceremony times, they will be moved in doors to avoid the weather. If that does occur, we will post the alternate ceremony locations as we approach those dates.
Once the Graduation Ceremony is completed, your Soldiers will be released to you to go on pass. You will not see your Soldier until after the Graduation Ceremony is completed. The Graduation Ceremony will roughly be about 45 minutes to an hour long, so we will be completed by roughly 09:45-10:00 A.M. (Eastern Time). Your Soldiers should be released to you by no later than 10:30 A.M. (Eastern Time).