If you need to edit the address on your letter after pressing the send button, please message the Sandboxx Customer Happiness Team as soon as possible. You can chat with our team on the app, or email us at happiness@sandboxx.us.
If available, please reference the 16-digit letter ID number (in your confirmation email) and include what needs to be fixed. This will help us fix the problem quickly. Please take a look below for an example of how the Order ID will appear in an Order Email confirmation. Sandboxx teammates are not able to edit or see letter content/photos.
Time Sensitive Edits:
Sandboxx prints and sends letters throughout the day. If you contact the Sandboxx team after 4:30 PM EST, your letter with the updated address will be shipped the following business day.
Contact our Customer Happiness team if you have questions or concerns! We are here to help.